October 2, 2020

Friday Fix Series-Week 1

Hey all!

As you can see in the title, I am starting a new blog series called Friday Fix, you can expect a quick little blog post of 5 random things that goes live on Friday (shocker)!

These little posts will include life updates, favorite things, life hacks, and other random things I may decide to include!


So without further ado-my Friday Fixes

1). First up-my favorite mug (as of current)!

If you know me-or if you’ve even crossed my social media page or website-you KNOW I lovvvvveeeeeee coffee. A good mug is no exception. I have an affinity for things hand made so when I spotted this mug I knew I needed it! I mean come-on its ceramic, handmade, so cozy for fall, and I almost use it exclusively!

2). Fun Fall Starbucks Drink

okay okay okay guys this drink! First off-I’ve had it once because I messed it up the second time which was so sad! Disclaimer, I like my coffee black but during fall at Starbucks, I make an exception. Let me tell you, their pumpkin cold brew is amazing but this I think is better. Introducing a grande iced chai latte with pumpkin cream cold foam and an extra shot of espresso (if you want it dirty). IT IS SO GOOD. You’ve heard me say it, I am a coffee person so a chai latte is a big step and woah, I’m in love!

Now before you click off this post because the first 2 items have been coffee, hold up. We are moving on to other things.

3). The Road Back to You by Ian Morgan Cron.

This book is so good! If you are curious about the Enneagram you need to read this! Ian Cron writes so clearly and logically about each type and how you can discover which number and wing you are! I highly recommend! I think I am a 5w4 but I need to reread because 1) it’s so good and 2) I can’t figure out what number I am.

4). Morning Walks

So simple but so good. Recently here in Pennsylvania, the air has been crisp and clean and oh so perfect for walks. Additionally, the perks of getting your body moving, your heart rate up, and getting those good endorphins going is also a bonus. If you can’t do mornings because of work just flip-flop to the evenings that golden glow is so perfect!

5). Email List

Introducing my email subscription list! This is something I have never offered before! If you’re reading this you are literally one of the first people to know about it (other than Vincent) because I have not announced it on social media yet. I promise to not email you daily or even weekly but I will occasionally pop into your inbox with sales & you will have first dibs on mini session announcements, my available dates, and life updates! If you would like to join you can right here!


Well, that wraps up my Friday Fix Series for this week! I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for next week!

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