August 7, 2018

Livia and Nelson Engagement Session

FILED IN: Couples

Wow, this is my very first blog post since a revamped my website and let me tell you, making a website is no easy feat.  Y’all I work in health care in an ER and I’m a full time nursing student and that job is easier than creating a website let me tell you.  I am not a tech savvy person, I figure out one way to accomplish something and then stick to that.


Anyways so this session was very near and dear to my heart.  On a summer evening in July I had the opportunity to take pictures for my best friend and her fiance. Gosh, it’s still weird to say that, (I cannot believe that I’m this old) anyways, it was an honor and it was such a fun session to photograph


I’ve known Livia my entire life, we grew up going to camp, VBS, camp, church, youth group, small group, camp. You name it we were there together.


She is one of my nearest and dearest friends and I’m extatic for her.


Enter Nelson, so Livia and I parted ways to go to college like most friends do nowadays, she went to Liberty and I went to Jackson Hole Bible College, we were both busy but somehow were able to still keep in touch.  We have one of those friendships where we can go months without seeing each other or talking and pick up right where we left off.  So out of the blue Livia texts me and starts telling me about this guy that she met, me totally skeptical of anyone being worthy of her and having never met this guy, while excited I was still on the fence.  fast forward a few months and I came home and met Nelson for the first time, immediatly I knew why she liked him.  Their personalities mesh so well together and their lve for one another is just so evident.  Fast forward to now, they are engaged and going to get married in May 2019 and I’m thrilled for both of them.


They are some of the kindest, sweetest, funniest people I know.


This session had my dying of laughter, they are just so in love and so relaxed and easy to work with which makes my job a piece of literal cake (ok not literal but almost).



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