October 26, 2018

The Story of Our Love

FILED IN: Personal

So as some of you know, I recently got engaged to the love of my life Vincent Michael Trumble.  Since this is such a pivotal point in our lives I figured I should document it.

This is a glimpse of our story and I could have gone on and on but this is a blog not a 12 book novel so I’ll keep it condensed.

Vincent and I met 3 years ago on August 22nd, 2015.  We had both just graduated high school that spring and made the decision to attend Jackson Hole Bible College a one-year bible college in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  We both had siblings attend there previously and made the decision to both attend JHBC that year.  I was in Jackson a couple weeks prior for my cousin’s wedding and Vincent had flown in a couple days before school started because flights were cheaper on weekdays.  So, along with a few others in town already we became fast friends because each other is all we had in the middle of Wyoming.

Little backstory, Jackson Hole Bible College is a very small bible college nestled in the valley of Jackson Hole, Wyoming at the base of the Teton Mountain range.  It’s so gorgeous!  Vincent says “it’s the only place that I cry about going to and leaving.” I beg to differ, nursing school I cry about going to class and I cry after as well thinking about all the studying I still have to do… lol.

So since it is a very small bible college focused on training and growing in the Lord for the course of a year they have a no dating policy which I thought, “THANK GOD BECAUSE I JUST WANT TO FOCUS AND NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BOYS.” I remember Pastor Don telling us on the first day of class, “In 9 short months you will all have to say goodbye and it will be one of the hardest things you’ll have to do, you will all become like family in a very short amount of time.” I remember looking around the room at everyone and thinking, “I know this has happened previously; BUT there’s no way we are all going to be family, everyone is so different. Ha. So as a group we became like family, we were all so close and such a tight-knit group of people, it was amazing and I was dead wrong!


So as the year continued I found myself thinking more and more about this boy named Vincent, I was in total denial and would constantly talk myself out of it.  But no, I was in too deep.  Over spring break that year Vincent told me that he liked me and I reciprocated the statement.  Let me again remind you of the “no dating policy” well coming back to Wyoming proved to be more challenging than I originally anticipated.  It was now super hard to get to know him more and keep it on the DL.  Eventually the end of the year came to my utter despair yet relief.  I was exciting to graduate and have this “no dating” policy lifted but at the same time that meant everyone was going back home.  Just 2 days after graduation Vincent left to work on a classmates ranch for the summer and I stayed in Jackson at the camp to serve for the summer.

So we continued getting to know each other over Skype, letters, phone calls, and text.

As the summer came to an end we road-tripped back to the East Coast together.  We stopped at 2 friends’ homes on the way home and finally after 3 days in the car made it back to Virginia where Vincent was from, I stayed there for the weekend and then I went home to Pennsylvania to start up my nursing school journey.  He came up to visit about a month later and we went to a Newsboys concert and broke my car on the way, then went to the beach, and because we weren’t tired enough from that adventure, we woke up Sunday for a sunrise hike.  We watched the sunrise come up on-top of Bake Oven Knob and there at 6 am in the morning Vincent asked me to be his girlfriend.  I said yes, obviously… For the next year and a half we continued our “long distance” relationship, I say “long distance” because we only lived 3 hours apart but when you’re in full-time school and working every-other weekend, you don’t get to see each other super often.  We continued writing letters, Skyping, calling, and texting.

He has sent me a “good morning” text every.single.day since a little before Spring break 2016 (give or take a few mornings.)

We have had the opportunity to road trip to Wyoming, Florida, and Maine twice, for some reason time in a car with him FLIES by.  So we continued to see each other and spend as much time as school, work, and life allows.  In April 2018 Vincent moved up to Pottstown, PA to attend Universal Technical Institute for Diesel Mechanics.  He loves it so much and I’m thrilled for him.  I continued my nursing school journey through St. Luke’s School of Nursing. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to see each other on average twice a week.  We both are in school and working but have continued to have the opportunity to enjoy time together which we both look forward to from the second we part ways.

On Sunday, October 21st, 2018 we spent our day off in Jim Thorpe a little mountain town tucked in the hills of Pennsylvania.  I was in a horrible mood early in the day and Vincent being the wonderful man he is remains so patient with me while I freak out about the most insignificant things.  We took the train and walked around, ate some amazing chili and got some amazing coffee.  Vincent being the amazing person he is assessed my needs; warmth, food, and coffee and once those were taken care of we hiked up Glen Onoko falls.  Glen Onoko is a gorgeous spot in Jim Thorpe, one of my frequented hiking spots for it’s amazing waterfalls and fun hike.  At the top of the falls Vincent asked me to spend forever with him to which I said “yes” to.  We then tried our best the hike back down with racing hearts and shaky knees.

I cannot believe it happened and I am so excited to spend forever with this amazing man that I absolutely do not deserve but I am so blessed to have gotten.


Stay tuned for the next part of our journey!

To be continued!!



I cannot wait to start our forever!


comments +

  1. Aunt Missy says:

    UGH! I am DONE IN by all these adorable photos. You guys are just so sweet and so perfectly suited for one another. I love your love story and I LOVE YOU! So excited for you guys. I told your mom – I’ve got my files if you need them!! 🙂 #partyplanningwhoowhoo

  2. Kerry says:

    I LOVE this Gretchen!!❤️

  3. Liz says:

    Love you guys SO much!!! This post made me cry-and I love all the photos! Can’t wait to see this awesome love story continue!

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