the blog


Selfie of my husband and I at my friend's wedding

I seriously suck so bad at this whole blogging thing and I chronically say “I’m going to do better.” I guess only time will tell. Okay I’ll cut to the chase because have you ever looked up a recipe online and it takes a solid minute to get the the actual ingredient list? Like I […]

What in the World have I been doing Recently?

  Wow, where to begin… I have been pondering which way I would take this blog post for the past week and I am still at a loss so I will just speak/write what comes to mind.   Hope and Gabe   I met you both the day you both met. And what a whirlwind […]

Hope and Gabe’s Los Angeles Wedding

So since January is almost over I figured it was about time for a best of 2019 blog post! 2019 was a big year for me personally and were filled with much growth within my photography business as well! With so much goodness in 2019 I’m even more pumped for 2020 and ALLĀ  the goodness […]

BEST of 2019

Me kissing my husband Vincent

So I thought I would take this little opportunity to use this lovely blogging platform to talk about the first 2 months of marriage and what no one told us… Vincent and I got married on August 5th, 2019 and to our surprise… It was the best day ever.   Story time. Pre-wedding when people […]

What No One Told Us about Marriage