As some of you know-if you follow me on instagram and facebook I recently set up an in-home studio for more variety in my pictures and to stretch myself professionally. Well, due to Covid-19 this has been put more on the back burner due to safety and being indoors. That being said, it’s been fun […]
Heidee and Cody got married on October 31st, 2020 at Harmony Gardens in North-East Pennsylvania. This post is a bit of a special one for me. I work in an Emergency Department in Allentown and Heidee and Cody also work there as well. They started dating before or soon after I started working there while […]
I promised a series and quickly failed, so here is my second attempt at consistency! I loved this series so I am going to try to keep it going! That being said- My Friday Fixes week 2 edition 1). This Spotify Warm Spring Nights I made-you know procrastinating my life obligations. It’s got a mix of […]
I promise to one day not post about the magic of golden hour with golden sunflower however, today is not that day! Can we talk about this gorgeous field for a minute, let me introduce you to Second Mountain Sunflowers. I stumbled upon this magical place by a facebook friend posting a picture and tagging […]
Well, I have been absolutely dying to take pictures of things other than myself (self-portraits) and my plants. Y’all it’s been a hot minute since I was able to take pictures of actual people so when I say it made my heart happy, that’s an understatement! I’m sure if you’ve been around for awhile you’ve […]